Events and exhibitions:

20th December 2019, Claudia Pieralli (with Luba Jurgenson), Presentation of the project and volume “The Mirror of Gulag in Italy and France”: round table, new spaces of reflection and research prospects University of Florence,

29th November 2019. Claudia Pieralli, Cultures of nonconformity in Europe and the USSR in the second half of the twentieth century. Online project for training and scientific research , Conference at the Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, International Laboratory for Intellectual Dialogue between Russia and the West: . Full video of the lecture:


27th June 2017-21st July 2017: exhibition «DALLA CENSURA E DAL SAMIZDAT ALLA LIBERTÀ DI STAMPA. URSS 1917-1990», ed. by E. Strukova, B. Belenkin (Historical Library, Moscow Memorial Association, Cariplo Foundation), hosted by University of Florence, Library of Humanities. Chair and Participants: Luigi Dei (Rector of the University of Florence), Nicholas Brownlees, Marcello Garzaniti, Claudia Pieralli, Elena Strukova and Francesca Gori.



Academic Lectures and Conferences:

– Federico Iocca, La nascita della cultura indipendente a Leningrado: il singolare caso di A. Kondratov. Master Degree Conference of Russian Literature held on May 9th 2018

— Giovanna Lo Monaco, Il movimento beat italiano. Master Degree Conference of Contemporary Italian Literature held on December 9th 2018

– Claudia Pieralli, Il samizdat in Urss come libertà di pensiero e fenomeno del dissenso. Master Degree Lecturers of Russian Literature (2016/2017)

– Claudia Pieralli, Il cantautorato del dissenso. Vladimir Vysockij e il magnitizdat. Master Degree Lecturers of Russian Literature (2016/2017)

– Claudia Pieralli, Il samizdat in Urss, nascita e sviluppo. Master Degree Lectures of Russian Literature (2016/2017)

– Marco Sabbatini, Il dissenso estetico a Leningrado. Master Degree Conference of Russian Literature held on April 9th 2017

– Teresa Spignoli, Le avanguardie degli anni Sessanta: Poesia visiva, Poesia concreta, Fluxus. Master Degree Lecture held on June 5th 2017 at the Museo Novecento, Florence

– Teresa Spignoli, Le avanguardie verbovisive in Italia e la cultura underground. Master Degree Lectures of Italian Modern and Contemporary Literature (2017/2018)